Every Door Direct Mail
I was given some OrangeTheory stock photos of people working out and of the water bottles they'd be giving away, along with the copy they wanted included on the mailer. From there I put together a design that aligns with their typical advertising but works for an every door direct mailer that was sent out to about 5,000 local addresses.

Advertising with Sticky Notes
They wanted an easy way to market their gym, so I designed these sticky notes for them to stick all over town.

Shared Every Door Direct Mail Advertisement
OrangeTheory Fitness Asheville needed a 4" x 6" advertisement to participate in a shared mailer that went out to 10,000 local addresses. As usual I was given a few company stock photos and the information they wanted included in the ad. From there I designed a short and to-the-point ad that was meant to stand out from the other advertisements on the same mailer.